Corporate & Social Responsibility Policy.

Purpose and Scope

Operating in a responsible and sustainable manner is important to The Nest and Health Group. While we run our business in line with the expectations of diverse global stakeholders, we also see corporate responsibility as a discipline that helps us manage risks and maximize on the opportunities available to us in a changing world. Our Corporate Governance Policies are intended to provide a framework for the governance of The Nest and Health Group and adherence to our policies and related operating procedures is the responsibility of every The Nest and Health Group Director, Officer and Employee.

We are committed to understanding, monitoring and managing our social, environmental and economic impact to enable us to contribute to society’s wider goal of sustainable development. This commitment is deeply ingrained in our core values and we aim to demonstrate these responsibilities through our actions and within our corporate policies.


Social Responsibility

  • Conducting business in a socially responsible and ethical manner.

  • Protecting the environment and the safety of people.

  • Supporting human rights.

  • Engaging, learning from, respecting and supporting the communities and cultures within which we work.

In alignment with our Statement on Business Conduct and Ethics, The Nest and Health Group will ensure that all matters of Corporate Social Responsibility are considered and supported in our operations and administrative matters and are consistent with The Nest and Health Group stakeholders’ best interests. The Nest and Health Group is committed to being recognized as a leader in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility and recognizes that in doing so, we will add significant value for our shareholders.

This Policy applies to activities undertaken by or on behalf of The Nest and Health Group Ltd

All The Nest and Health Group employees, suppliers and contractors are to adopt the Corporate Social Responsibility considerations described in this policy into their day-to-day work activities. Management are to act as role models by incorporating these considerations into decision-making in all business activities. Management are to ensure that appropriate organisational structures are in place to effectively identify, monitor, and manage Corporate Social Responsibility issues and performance relevant to our business. This Policy is built on the following areas that reflect existing and emerging standards of Corporate Social Responsibility:

Business Ethics and Transparency

The Nest and Health Group is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and corporate governance practices in order to maintain excellence in its daily operations, and to promote confidence in its governance systems. The Nest and Health Group will conduct its business in an open, honest, and ethical manner. The Nest and Health Group recognises the importance of protecting all of our human, financial, physical, informational, social, environmental, and representational assets. The Nest and Health Group will advise its partners, contractors, and suppliers of its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, and will work with them to achieve consistency with this policy. The Nest and Health Group is committed to measuring, auditing and tracking the performance of its Corporate Social Responsibility programs.


Stakeholder Relations

As a global service provider to clients worldwide, The Nest and Health Group operates across a diverse range of cultures and international markets. We are proud of our commitment to apply fair labour practices, while respecting the national and local laws of the countries and communities where we operate and are committed to providing equal opportunity in all aspects of employment. We do not engage in or tolerate unlawful workplace conduct, including discrimination, intimidation, or harassment. The Nest and Health Group works with our sub-contractors to help them treat their workers and employees fairly and with dignity and respect, maintain safe working conditions, and conduct manufacturing activities in an environmentally safe and responsible manner. The Nest and Health Group does not tolerate human rights abuses, human trafficking and/or slavery, and will not engage or be complicit in any activity that solicits or encourages human rights abuse.


Community Involvement

The Nest and Health Group strives to understand and respect the cultural values and laws wherever we operate. We actively support initiatives in those communities where our employees live and work. This commitment is visible in our contributions of financial, equipment and volunteer support. We encourage our employees to contribute time and energy in leadership and other roles in community organisations.


The Corporate and Social Responsibility Policy is hereby approved by the company owners of The Nest and Health Group Ltd.

Colin Slade


Last updated: 22nd Nov, 2024